Florida's Coronavirus Situation Is Not As Bad As You've Been Told

December 5, 2020 9:32am

Florida 1 million Coronavirus cases.jpg

Florida surpassed one million COVID cases this week. And, as is so typical, the so-called "news" media's portrayal of that milestone has been deliberately misrepresented to make Governor Ron DeSantis look as bad as possible. But DeSantis' handling of this pandemic, while not perfect, has been far better than most governors.

Raw numbers are meaningless as evidence of the pandemic's severity. Florida is the third most populous state in the country, so it would be reasonable that Florida would have the third highest number of COVID cases (as it does). But when using the per capita infection rate, which is the only fair metric to use, Florida ranks 25th. Twenty-four states have higher infection rates than Florida! And Florida ranks 16th in deaths per capita - at a rate far below the unconstitutional Democrat lockdown states of New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Illinois, Michigan, and the District of Columbia.

The media has portrayed Governor Cuomo of New York as the gold standard for handling the Coronavirus. But Cuomo has been the second worst governor in the entire country as measured by the disregard for Constitutional Rights (Governor Whitmer of Michigan has been the worst). But the fake news loves Cuomo because he's a Leftist Democrat. They're presenting him as the perfect governor because they're grooming him for the presidency. This is despite the fact that New York has far more COVID deaths than any other state. And that's not because of its population. New York is the fourth most populous state, but it has 79% more COVID deaths than California, the most populous state; 59% more COVID deaths than Texas, the second most populous state; and 84% more COVID deaths than Florida, the third most populous state.

But we are spoon-fed by the propaganda press that Cuomo is a god and DeSantis is a dunce, even though the actual numbers prove otherwise. On a per capita basis, New York has 4 1/2 times more COVID deaths than Florida (4.35 times more to be exact). Those are the real numbers. Those are the real facts. But most people never see the real facts. The fake news sure as hell ain't gonna share 'em. The propaganda press would rather lie to you. Don't believe their lies!

This blog post only hit the highlights. If you'd like to hear more details, they are in today's episode of The Mike Bates Show which is now archived online as a podcast at www.TheMikeBatesShow.com/podcasts/201205 (segment 3).


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