No, Donald Trump Did NOT Ask Georgia's Secretary of State to Commit Election Fraud

January 4, 2021 10:18am

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As usual, the activists posing as journalists in the propaganda press are lying. Unless you have listened to the ENTIRE 62 MINUTE PHONE CALL, you have no clue what President Trump said. The so-called "news" media has only reported a small fraction of the call and grossly misrepresented what was said in it.

I have listened to the entire phone call. If you care about the truth, you should too. It's at

Near the end of the call, President summed up what he wants done with, "Brad, we just want the truth. It's simple. And everyone's gonna look very good if the truth comes out. That's OK. It'll take a little while. But let the truth come out." Have you seen that anywhere in the fake news? No, of course not. Instead you've heard that Trump asked Georgia's Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to commit election fraud, which is a total and complete lie. Trump never even came close to doing that.

Elsewhere on the call, Donald Trump's use of rally attendance numbers as proof he won at the ballot box was absurd. But also during the call, he went through a list of known irregularities that support his belief that the election was not conducted properly.

Not once did President Trump ask Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to throw out any legitimate ballots, fabricate any fake ballots, falsify any records, or commit any kind of election fraud whatsoever. All the President (and his staff as they were on the call too) asked for was an investigation into the allegations of election malfeasance, which he believed - rightly or wrongly - would result in a Trump victory.

Trump also asked reasonable questions that Raffensperger failed to answer - although a few of his answers were interrupted by the President, so there's no way to know what the Secretary of State would have said if allowed to complete his responses.

The purpose of this post is not to defend Trump's election fraud theories. Those theories have not been adequately investigated by any court, so "the jury is still out" on that - if you'll pardon the expression since the case has been nowhere near any jury. The purpose of this post is to expose the propaganda press as the liars that they are.

The so-called "news" media deliberately omitted the part of the call where President Trump said "We won Georgia easily. We won it by hundreds of thousands of votes" and where his team said they repeatedly asked the State of Georgia for voter data and were refused every time.

It was very clear throughout the entire phone call that President Trump believes he won Georgia, and that all he wants is an investigation that will discover the truth - whatever that truth may be. Contrary to how the fake news is reporting it, PRESIDENT TRUMP NEVER ASKED ANYONE TO COMMIT ELECTION FRAUD. So don't believe the Democrats' and the so-called "news" media's lies saying he did.

But don't just take my word for it. Listen to the call yourself. I posted a link to it above. Why? Because my only agenda is the truth.

The media’s dishonesty is a recurring disgrace. My list of 45 other lies the fake news has told about Donald trump is at It includes links proving the lies were lies.


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